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   Nevedel som ze kvoli tomu ich zabiju. (nejedava... (truhlik_fredyRP (27.8.2014)
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Jak na Roumenistu (Ebo) - Známka: 2, váha: velká OIovo (Krucifix) - Známka: 2, váha: malá remaky to by mohli mat (truhlik_fredy) - Známka: 3, váha: malá Nevedel som ze kvoli tomu ich za... (truhlik_fredy) - Známka: 1, váha: malá Feeding my pets! (VVS) (moo) - Známka: 3, váha: malá Babysitter Dog 2 (barrister) - Známka: 4, váha: malá Buducnost VR hier (cpy) - Známka: 1, váha: střední

Komentáře (4) Komentovat Nezobrazovat

Nevedel som ze kvoli tomu ich zabiju. (nejedavam to ale) (HornhaRP (2.9.2014 15:34)

Nevedel som ze kvoli tomu ich zabiju. (nejedavam to ale) (cpyRP (27.8.2014 13:37)
Esteze kaviar je hnusny bordel pre socky co nemaju chutove bunky a potrebuju sa tvarit dolezito.

Nevedel som ze kvoli tomu ich zabiju. (nejedavam to ale) (BGRP (27.8.2014 13:06)
Other farmers use a process called "stripping", which extracts the caviar from the fish without surgical intervention. A small incision is made along the urogenital muscle when the fish is deemed to be ready to be processed. An ultrasound is used to determine the correct timing. This is the most humane approach towards fish that is presently available but not all farmers use it due to the lack of knowledge in this field.

Nevedel som ze kvoli tomu ich zabiju. (nejedavam to ale) (BGRP (27.8.2014 13:06)
Commercial caviar production historically involved stunning the fish and extracting the ovaries. Another method is extracting the caviar surgically (C section) which allows the females to continue producing roe but this method is very painful and stressful for the fish and is illegal in some countries.