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terrorists are dumbasses 19.03.2011 
Obrázek terrorists are dumbasses
svoboda pohybu nepodepsal stejne jako spolupraci s stb difuzor bidenvis and trumphead kdyz kroutis sedmou tisicovku domacej milasek 
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terrorists_are_dumbasses.jpg (Citron) (20.3.2011 11:53)

terrorists_are_dumbasses.jpg (402) (19.3.2011 23:28)
Man is the best computer we can put aboard a spacecraft, and the only one that can be mass produced with unskilled labor. -- Werner von Braun

terrorists_are_dumbasses.jpg (HegataroRP (19.3.2011 22:46)

terrorists_are_dumbasses.jpg (P.RP (19.3.2011 21:58)
chaaaaaaaarge :-D BF:Lybia :o)