ss woman 26.10.2023 
Obrázek ss woman
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ss_woman.jpg (Cpt.time-out) (26.10.2023 22:44)
In the 2013 film Man of Steel, when asked by Lois Lane what the "S" stands for, Superman states that it is not an "S", but rather the Kryptonian symbol for "hope", and explaining that the design is based on a river in the 2017 film Justice League. Takže dvoitá naděje! :-D

ss_woman.jpg (hmm hmm) (26.10.2023 19:08)

ss_woman.jpg (dizRP (26.10.2023 18:32)
piča má tak široké boky, že jej skrútilo ruku aj prsty :) najbližšie trochu ubrať efekty vo fotošope