how to deal with landwhales 17.08.2013 
Obrázek how to deal with landwhales
jeste jedna piratska export populistov velky kokot to uz je zase patek tohle bude hodne bolet luza nenazrana
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how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (applebongRP (18.8.2013 12:27)
> mfw you can't greentaxt here > mfw i have no face

how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (dMa) (18.8.2013 12:27)
+3 za butter the doors

how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (KostkacRP (18.8.2013 0:58)
+2 za benny hill theme

how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (lejmaRP (17.8.2013 22:43)
+1 za landwhale :D

how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (StínRP (17.8.2013 20:57)
> mfw cancerfags calling meme arrows "greentext" > mfw cancerfags calling lolwars "ylyl" > mfw cancerfags calling triangly thingy "triforce" > mfw i have face

how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (BobsikRP (17.8.2013 20:40)
darkmirius: :D

how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (roody poo) (17.8.2013 20:34)
~mfw squiggly squoos are better than meme arrows

how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (nmfa) (17.8.2013 20:33)
(Stín): :-( meme arrows :-(

how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (md5) (17.8.2013 19:57)
> :-D >mfw newfag calls greentext 'meme arrows'

how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (DarkMiriusRP (17.8.2013 19:40)
Jen bych dodal odkaz, se kterym to dostava uplne jiny grady :-D Benny Hill theme: [odkaz]

how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (StínRP (17.8.2013 19:35)
> is on the internet > doesn't know meme arrows > all of my wut

how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (SirIndyRP (17.8.2013 19:27)
Bubu: 4chan /b/ style :o)

how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (BubuRP (17.8.2013 19:22)
co je to za styl psaní? =)

how_to_deal_with_landwhales.png (SirIndyRP (17.8.2013 19:13)
Landwhale, to nema chybu :-D