egypt10 30.01.2011 
Obrázek egypt10
politika na roumingu Jsem tu pro vsechny Oy Veh autenticti diskuteri ficostan socialnodemokraticky darcek vodicom
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egypt10.jpg (Pjpajkis) (30.1.2011 12:52)
to hořčica: nic proti, ale když jsem vždycky prohrál maria a nebo tanky, napsalo mi to Game over :-)

egypt10.jpg (Mrk) (30.1.2011 4:24)
trolling is an art, ale horcica nevie ani spravne napodobnit dislexiu

egypt10.jpg (vaster) (30.1.2011 1:36)
trolling is an art? :D dobre, dobre :) dneska mi to evidentne tak nemyslí :D (teda včera)

egypt10.jpg (blb) (30.1.2011 0:57)
lol vaster ty kokot vsak si z teba robia srandu.

egypt10.jpg (vaster) (30.1.2011 0:33)
ja strašne, ale strašne neznášam hlúpych ľudí. sorry za OT flame.

egypt10.jpg (horčicaRP (30.1.2011 0:33)
My teacher helped my with grammatic, i haved good and nice teacher its called sir Johnson (good memories on him) what country you bean? In egypt his haves pyramides, thats their air a lot of tourist and tourist are equal to money!

egypt10.jpg (cookieRP (30.1.2011 0:32)
stop that offtopic flame and discuss the picture faggots! ☝ ✄-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

egypt10.jpg (vaster) (30.1.2011 0:29)
I don't. I assume that - he is from egypt. and please, tell me, how the hell do you get D with this english? If that is true, then I've spent a year in a wrong country...

egypt10.jpg (horčicaRP (30.1.2011 0:25)
how do you know that hee is poor?maybe hee have money. and my grammatic is good , i have in school D but i have dislexi

egypt10.jpg (cookieRP (30.1.2011 0:22)
....a niektori aj nie

egypt10.jpg (cookieRP (30.1.2011 0:22)
uz ta prekukli horcica, rovnako ako fantomasa, ci fejtomasa ci fejtosa...a rovnako ako bearfuckera

egypt10.jpg (vaster) (30.1.2011 0:21)
Oh come on, check your grammar first, then judge the poor and stupid ;)

egypt10.jpg (horčicaRP (30.1.2011 0:19)
O c´mon, thats its not good writed, his must writed like that: GAME IS OVER!GO TO THE HELL.

egypt10.jpg (cookieRP (30.1.2011 0:16)

egypt10.jpg (cookieRP (30.1.2011 0:16)
vedia, ze ich sleduju cely svet :)
