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Why I Play Golf with My Girlfriend 14-02-2012 14.02.2012 
Obrázek Why I Play Golf with My Girlfriend 14-02-2012
nepodepsal stejne jako spolupraci s stb i pro me to je prekvapeni sam nebo s prateli konecne usporadane finance actually matter takhle testovali KBplus
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Why_I_Play_Golf_with_My_Girlfriend_14-02-2012.jpg (pista cajkaRP (15.2.2012 11:44)
I don't always play golf, but when I do, it's with my girlfriend.

Why_I_Play_Golf_with_My_Girlfriend_14-02-2012.jpg (cbxRP (15.2.2012 3:14)
may I join her game?

Why_I_Play_Golf_with_My_Girlfriend_14-02-2012.jpg (RizielRP (14.2.2012 20:40)
1 in hole? ;-)