Well 21-12-2011 21.12.2011 
Obrázek Well 21-12-2011
zenovlaso zapomel octovat nie nebude tak vam treba liberali houby a hribky s bramborem zeezim
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Well_21-12-2011.jpeg (JT) (21.12.2011 14:52)
Red Dwarf to ma fakt nejlip vysvetlene.

Well_21-12-2011.jpeg (jerry) (21.12.2011 10:39)
A mame to dvojjazycne!

Well_21-12-2011.jpeg (StoparRP (21.12.2011 10:38)
oh crap :-D

Well_21-12-2011.jpeg (StoparRP (21.12.2011 10:38)
Good evening. Here is the news on Friday, the 27th of Geldof. Archaeologists near Mount Sinai have discovered what is believed to be a missing page from the Bible. The page is currently being carbon dated in Bonn. If genuine it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read "To my darling Candy. All characters portrayed within this book are fictitous and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Well_21-12-2011.jpeg (jerry) (21.12.2011 10:37)
Mé milované Candy. Všechny postavy v této knize jsou fiktivní a jakákoliv podobnost se skutečnými lidmi, žijícími či mrtvými, je čistě náhodná