This Dog Has Seen Things 31.03.2014 
Obrázek This Dog Has Seen Things
protivladny protest plan funguje it is over ten majdan Gaming farewell no more js on the backend
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This_Dog_Has_Seen_Things.jpg (HonzaRezRP (1.4.2014 10:49)
...will disapear, like tears in rain...

This_Dog_Has_Seen_Things.jpg (elmordo) (31.3.2014 22:48)
LOL, zrovna před hodinou jsem se na Blade Runnera díval :D

This_Dog_Has_Seen_Things.jpg (MajklDejvidRP (31.3.2014 19:32)
I have seen things you wouldn't believe. I have lost things you will never understand. And I know things, secrets that must never be told and knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze. So come on then! Take it! Take it all, baby! Have it! You have it all!

This_Dog_Has_Seen_Things.jpg (RoumenR (31.3.2014 17:56)
Na to jak je tlusta, porodila dost maly stene...

This_Dog_Has_Seen_Things.jpg (rapist) (31.3.2014 15:07)
Klame, piču videl :-D