Things you can say 26.01.2012 
Obrázek Things you can say
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Things_you_can_say.png (Pan Tovarnik) (20.3.2019 10:31)
Most importantly you can turn it off

Things_you_can_say.png (frost.silenecRP (28.1.2012 14:41)
One year old, old enough. :-)

Things_you_can_say.png (miki690RP (27.1.2012 20:06)
The more you play the hotter it gets

Things_you_can_say.png (MarthyRP (27.1.2012 14:18)
@isMeFun: Jestli myslíš MAC, tak ne každej PC má.

Things_you_can_say.png (isMeFun) (27.1.2012 0:25)
i thought i would turn it on, but then i took an arrow to a PC... btw did u ever realised that every pc has a mac? and i dont like mindfucks - coz i never mind... me gusta ...v husak

Things_you_can_say.png (tsLRP (26.1.2012 23:59)
Is black :-D

Things_you_can_say.png (ententeakRP (26.1.2012 19:58)
is real..

Things_you_can_say.png (StínRP (26.1.2012 19:31)
někteří lidé mají opravdu problém chápat internetový humor...

Things_you_can_say.png (GromRP (26.1.2012 15:19)
you can turn it on everytime you need...

Things_you_can_say.png (SheppardRP (26.1.2012 15:05)
I have a computer

Things_you_can_say.png (SatrifRP (26.1.2012 12:37)
Blue6: to ale platí o běžných přítelkyních také, o tvé ne?

Things_you_can_say.png (Blue6RP (26.1.2012 12:34)
The more I play with it, the hotter it is.

Things_you_can_say.png (SatrifRP (26.1.2012 11:46)
always naked, showes me everything I want, does illegal things, become silent on demand. Gurbux to má správně.

Things_you_can_say.png (HyperMAXRP (26.1.2012 11:16)
It can't cook but it can boot

Things_you_can_say.png (StínRP (26.1.2012 10:33)
Gurbux: Dobře foreveralone.jpg :D pobavil
