Rose 02-04-2012 02.04.2012 
Obrázek Rose 02-04-2012
sorri jako meanwhile on CNN ruzzka krev dela divy ponozkozrout colombo simpsons crossover MAGBA
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Rose_02-04-2012.jpg (fantomas) (3.4.2012 15:26)
No, there's no Rose here... *BANG*

Rose_02-04-2012.jpg (PaulZyRP (2.4.2012 23:14)
Rose, what rose? I don't see any... B-)

Rose_02-04-2012.jpg (tsLRP (2.4.2012 23:00)
She ain't no Rose! (I mean Rose Tyler, not that whore from Titanic)

Rose_02-04-2012.jpg (Abdul_HasanRP (2.4.2012 22:15)
But did you know, that when it snows, my eyes become large and, the light that you shine can be seen.