Manute Bol - the Tallest NBA Player1  11.03.2011 
Obrázek Manute Bol - the Tallest NBA Player1 
sorri jako meanwhile on CNN ruzzka krev dela divy ponozkozrout colombo simpsons crossover MAGBA
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Manute_Bol_-_the_Tallest_NBA_Player1_.jpg (Annonymous) (11.3.2011 14:10)
Manute Bol (English pronunciation: /məˈnuːt ˈboʊl/; October 16, 1962 – June 19, 2010[1]) n June 19, 2010, Bol died from acute kidney failure and complications from Stevens–Johnson syndrome at the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville, Virginia.[22] [24]

Manute_Bol_-_the_Tallest_NBA_Player1_.jpg (mike) (11.3.2011 12:39)
A podle BMI je 5 let po smrti ne ?

Manute_Bol_-_the_Tallest_NBA_Player1_.jpg (Mur) (11.3.2011 11:17)
alebo mamute...