Interview with Sonic by SpeedLimit Infinity 10.03.2013 
Obrázek Interview with Sonic by SpeedLimit Infinity
jeste jedna piratska export populistov tohle bude hodne bolet to uz je zase patek pojdme hlasovat uz dost
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Interview_with_Sonic_by_SpeedLimit_Infinity.jpg (pc2005) (30.10.2020 3:48)
Asi jako

Interview_with_Sonic_by_SpeedLimit_Infinity.jpg (Dr.Str.RP (16.4.2018 12:59)
Jenže jenom v anime. Normální kreslíři si vystačí s výrazem ve tváři a nebo si pomáhají kapesníkem.

Interview_with_Sonic_by_SpeedLimit_Infinity.jpg (Ondy) (10.3.2013 9:53)
"Sweat drops are a common visual convention. Characters are drawn with one or more prominent beads of sweat on their brow or forehead (or floating above the hair on characters whose back is turned). This represents a broad spectrum of emotions, including embarrassment, exasperation, confusion, and shock, not all of which are necessarily considered to be sweat-inducing under normal conditions" --

Interview_with_Sonic_by_SpeedLimit_Infinity.jpg (hajzldeklRP (10.3.2013 9:50)
to jen zkondenzoval ten otazník co po ní někdo hodil v 2 obrazku

Interview_with_Sonic_by_SpeedLimit_Infinity.jpg (PaulosRP (10.3.2013 8:53)
raději se neptám, kde se jí vzala ta kapka ve vlasech