Godzilla-atheist-Tokyo 19.08.2014 
Obrázek Godzilla-atheist-Tokyo
50 millionth promt nahoda to urcite nebude treba na to jet s rozumem yep there is change Attraction retraction teddy ass
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Godzilla-atheist-Tokyo.jpg (MSGRP (9.5.2018 10:34)
Neviem ako vy, ale ja tam to "D" v ゴジラ (Gojira) nepočujem... A vlastne však ani ani nevedia vysloviť "robot" tí anglosasi...

Godzilla-atheist-Tokyo.jpg (letec) (21.8.2014 8:47)
Hey atheists, if there is no God, there is noone to create Atheizilla! Our God, however, can create as many Godzillas as he wants! Atheists 1 : Christians 1

Godzilla-atheist-Tokyo.jpg (Nudle v láku) (19.8.2014 17:59)
Já mám nejradši japonskou víru v chapadla.

Godzilla-atheist-Tokyo.jpg (JohnnycRP (19.8.2014 13:42)
actually podle nové verze godzilly 1:0 pro christians....

Godzilla-atheist-Tokyo.jpg (Abdul_HasanRP (19.8.2014 10:48)
Atheism is not a religion

Godzilla-atheist-Tokyo.jpg (STFU) (19.8.2014 10:15)
Protože v originále je to ゴジラ, což vzniklo spojením slov ゴリラ (gorila) a 鯨 (velryba).

Godzilla-atheist-Tokyo.jpg (the kenn) (19.8.2014 8:44)
too much religious bullshit this morning....

Godzilla-atheist-Tokyo.jpg (cockroachRP (19.8.2014 8:16)
It's simple - Japanese are perverted and God punished them.

Godzilla-atheist-Tokyo.jpg (TexRP (19.8.2014 8:00)
atheism is the easiest religion to troll