Friends are like potatos 25.11.2011 
Obrázek Friends are like potatos
meanwhile on CNN ruzzka krev dela divy ponozkozrout colombo simpsons crossover MAGBA Marie je sikulka
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Friends_are_like_potatos.jpg (tsLRP (26.11.2011 13:50)
And enemies are also like potatos, when you call WHETLEY moron, you will put you in one :-D

Friends_are_like_potatos.jpg (K.91) (26.11.2011 12:06)
Die potato! Not today

Friends_are_like_potatos.jpg (PessoRP (25.11.2011 23:26)
oprava: I ate...

Friends_are_like_potatos.jpg (PessoRP (25.11.2011 23:22)
I eat my friend.....she's still breathing.

Friends_are_like_potatos.jpg (tgee) (25.11.2011 21:21)
friends are like trees, they fall down when you hit them with an axe.

Friends_are_like_potatos.jpg (BubuRP (25.11.2011 21:13)
Friends are like snow flakes. When you pee on them, they disappear.

Friends_are_like_potatos.jpg (H5N1RP (25.11.2011 19:35)
:-D :-D :-D