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- Oh - I would -      26.05.2013 26.05.2013 
Obrázek - Oh - I would -      26.05.2013
sorri jako meanwhile on CNN bidenvis and trumphead poznal-ho domacej milasek  ruzzka krev dela divy
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-_Oh_-_I_would_-______26.05.2013.jpg (smradlak) (26.5.2013 19:19)
to je z klipu Gorillaz (auto)

-_Oh_-_I_would_-______26.05.2013.jpg (Fob) (26.5.2013 19:00)
Thanks for correction suddenly I didn't realize.

-_Oh_-_I_would_-______26.05.2013.jpg (moo (lazy)) (26.5.2013 18:14)
Fob, policemen in the isles wear helmets, not hats.

-_Oh_-_I_would_-______26.05.2013.jpg (Fob) (26.5.2013 17:33)
You wouldn't shoot a policeman, then steal his hat, and then take a dump in the hat. Then give the hat to his grieving wife. And then, steal it again.

-_Oh_-_I_would_-______26.05.2013.jpg (Maximus-CZRP (26.5.2013 16:05)
you wouldn't steal a cop's hat.

-_Oh_-_I_would_-______26.05.2013.jpg (PaulZyRP (26.5.2013 15:18)
*building...* *unit ready" 8-)

-_Oh_-_I_would_-______26.05.2013.jpg (nevermoreRP (26.5.2013 15:10)
You wouldn't steal a baby.