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- A paper cut -      03.05.2013 03.05.2013 
Obrázek - A paper cut -      03.05.2013
svoboda pohybu sorri jako bidenvis and trumphead meanwhile on CNN poznal-ho domacej milasek 
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-_A_paper_cut_-______03.05.2013.jpg (aaa666RP (6.5.2013 0:50)
It's like I'm paranoid lookin' over my back It's like a whirlwind inside of my head It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin

-_A_paper_cut_-______03.05.2013.jpg (aaa666RP (6.5.2013 0:50)
So I know that when it's time to sink or swim That the face inside is hearing me Right underneath my skin

-_A_paper_cut_-______03.05.2013.jpg (aaa666RP (6.5.2013 0:49)
Papercut?? You mean: Why does it feel like night today? Something in here's not right today. Why am I so uptight today? Paranoia's all I got left I don't know what stressed me first Or how the pressure was fed But I know just what it feels like To have a voice in the back of my head It's like a face that I hold inside Like a face that awakes when I close my eyes A face watches every time I lie A face that laughs every time I fall (And watches everything)

-_A_paper_cut_-______03.05.2013.jpg (bear.fuckerRP (4.5.2013 3:45)
ne nejsem ok, jsem totiz desne rozmrdanej

-_A_paper_cut_-______03.05.2013.jpg (mikeRP (4.5.2013 1:24)
Ještě mohl udělat Michael Bay movie. :D