the future is now (25.2.2023 19:12)
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the future is now (MSGRP (28.2.2023 0:01)
dá sa bežne kúpiť v obchode

the future is now (BobsikRP (25.2.2023 20:19)
Konecne neco na smirovani sousedky

the future is now (PlatanRP (25.2.2023 20:16)
kolik to unese munice a kde je zbirka na ukry?

the future is now (mikoRP (25.2.2023 19:50)
bordylku, to je antena, ty kabliku :-D

the future is now (GrewRP (25.2.2023 19:40)

the future is now (haha hoho) (25.2.2023 19:22)
budoucnost roku 2016 ty magore

the future is now (Chaos_a_BordelRP (25.2.2023 19:15)
To nutne potrebuji, super je, ze to nevysila, ale napajeni i signal jde pres onen kabel - tedy to nejde takk snadno zarusit.