1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York (18.8.2022 15:08)
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1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York (the quitterRP (19.8.2022 10:16)
povalaci >-O

1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York (twinkydinky) (18.8.2022 16:37)
a vsadim se ze vsechny zencky na ty stavbe braly za stejnou praci o 20 % min.

1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York (upuppryc) (18.8.2022 16:03)
The Chrysler Building had 3000 workers. With 77 floors, it could have resulted in 62 fatalities. But it had none. By comparison, the Empire State Building's construction caused 5 worker deaths and the original construction of the World Trade Center in the 1970s caused 60.

1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York (klatomRP (18.8.2022 15:39)
proč tohle někdo barví? ČB to vypadá víc cool, a aspoň je z toho cítit ta historie

1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York (chlivok) (18.8.2022 15:32)
vidím pár fantomasů

1929 colorized construction Chrysler building in New York (RBRP (18.8.2022 15:15)
A pracovali tam nebo se jen drželi a povídali?