who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (24.9.2020 20:42)
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who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (jo ho hoo) (26.9.2020 9:37)

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (DraullRP (26.9.2020 5:40)
[odkaz] Tohle je taky krásný :D

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (NN) (25.9.2020 23:36)
je tam rozumet uplne vsechno :-)

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (this0neRP (25.9.2020 16:54)
[odkaz] Oprava

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (this0neRP (25.9.2020 16:53)
[odkaz] Tak schvalne kdo prelozi vic ja 3 slova. Glasgow mimochodem :-)

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (bu) (25.9.2020 10:14)
stačila by jednoduchšia hra: "Dad, if I can make you say the word "no", you owe me 50 pounds. OK? OK. Give me 50 pounds!!! Nooow!!!

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (HonzaRezRP (25.9.2020 8:58)
Má špinavek krk...

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (hedge is hedge) (25.9.2020 8:43)

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (strikerlikerRP (25.9.2020 8:13)
Thanks, Saddik

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (AbeRP (25.9.2020 1:39)
BigSmoke: Jo, tomu v te balaklavě bych se tež šel vychcat na závěsy.

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (BigSmoke) (24.9.2020 22:39)
to je hovno, zkuste tohle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfsRr8KNByY

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (m2RP (24.9.2020 22:32)
Irish je podle mě trochu jinej přízvuk než tohle, ale těžko říct... hádal bych skótiš

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (fasdsadf) (24.9.2020 21:55)
neni nad to flexovat jak dobre rozumite anglictine s nejakym prizvukem v komentech na roumingu :D myslim, ze vam vyrostlo pero asi tak o 5cm...bacha at vas jeste nejaka chce s takovym delem...uz mate tezce pres 7cm xD

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (joj) (24.9.2020 21:43)
Alright guys, how's it goin?

who can understand them...my guess its some form of english (this0neRP (24.9.2020 21:36)
Samozrejmne Skotsko, tipuju Highlands ale jenom hadam. Rodily skot by urcil presnou oblast puvodu po prvni vete.
