When you got the ballistic knife in COD (7.11.2014 14:56)
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When you got the ballistic knife in COD

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When you got the ballistic knife in COD (Omar) (8.11.2014 10:42)

When you got the ballistic knife in COD (Omar) (7.11.2014 16:58)
sry to patřilo jinam :-(

When you got the ballistic knife in COD (Omar) (7.11.2014 16:56)

When you got the ballistic knife in COD (BGRP (7.11.2014 15:52)

When you got the ballistic knife in COD (tempter94) (7.11.2014 15:32)
je to Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen jak pise Mindrot

When you got the ballistic knife in COD (cern0usekRP (7.11.2014 15:31)
Ja jsem si myslel, ze by to moh bejt Donnie Yen, ale nemoh jsem na IMDb najit film, kterej by to byl.

When you got the ballistic knife in COD (MindrotRP (7.11.2014 15:18)
mne to pripomína [odkaz] ale nie som si istý

When you got the ballistic knife in COD (cpyRP (7.11.2014 15:13)
To je co zas za film?