Brock the Shiba Inu Dog Desperately Wants to Go Outside Read more a (7.7.2014 17:47)
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Brock the Shiba Inu Dog Desperately Wants to Go Outside Read more a

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Brock the Shiba Inu Dog Desperately Wants to Go Outside Read more a (mikeRP (8.7.2014 1:57)
Jim tam asi nemrzne jinak by se to ten pes brzo odnaučil.

Brock the Shiba Inu Dog Desperately Wants to Go Outside Read more a (šíbaRP (7.7.2014 19:19)
to vůbec neodpovídá realitě. ještě nikdy jsem ze zoufalosti neolizovala okna =)

Brock the Shiba Inu Dog Desperately Wants to Go Outside Read more a (vecernikRP (7.7.2014 17:58)
šíba chce ven jo?