Camera stabilizing tech used in spoon for Parkinson's (1.1.2014 11:42)
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Camera stabilizing tech used in spoon for Parkinson's

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Camera stabilizing tech used in spoon for Parkinson's (quido.speedyRP (1.1.2014 21:46)
A nestačilo použít slepici?

Camera stabilizing tech used in spoon for Parkinson's (Peter) (1.1.2014 18:31)
Nemáte niekto porovnávací test?

Camera stabilizing tech used in spoon for Parkinson's (edgobardRP (1.1.2014 18:15)
co je to za auto? ja to na tom slunku blbe vidim...

Camera stabilizing tech used in spoon for Parkinson's (edgobardRP (1.1.2014 18:15)
co je to za auto? ja to na tom slunku blbe vidim...

Camera stabilizing tech used in spoon for Parkinson's (FFFUUURP (1.1.2014 15:35)
hej no je to super a cena tej lyzice je myslim 300 dolarov.

Camera stabilizing tech used in spoon for Parkinson's (OmeGaRP (1.1.2014 12:55)
staci aby samotna lyzica bola dost tazka, a o zvysok sa postara makke zavesenie a zotrvacnost

Camera stabilizing tech used in spoon for Parkinson's (headzzRP (1.1.2014 12:48)
Myslíte, že to reaguje přesně protipohybem?

Camera stabilizing tech used in spoon for Parkinson's (mi0RP (1.1.2014 11:47)
Tak toto je cool nápad 8-)