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the future is now (19.2.2025 8:07)
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the future is now (emsyRP (19.2.2025 22:06)
to su Goombas zo Super Mario Bros (1993)

the future is now (keket_nereg_nereg) (19.2.2025 15:16)
3s pred tym si ten robot googlil "ako dat hlavičku" :D

the future is now (Koleňák) (19.2.2025 15:13)
Asi mu řekl, že jeho máma je stará piksla.

the future is now (math1a5RP (19.2.2025 11:35)
Nie je to melódia z Morrowindu? :-)

the future is now (JapaNaToRP (19.2.2025 8:40)
Však na rvačky, to je tam vidět.

the future is now (luky___) (19.2.2025 8:17)
Nechapu, proc by nekdo vyrabel robonegry. Na praci to asi nebude.