World Record Attempt at Fastest Time to Jump Through 10 Panes of Gl (14.12.2013 16:06)
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World Record Attempt at Fastest Time to Jump Through 10 Panes of Gl

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World Record Attempt at Fastest Time to Jump Through 10 Panes of Gl (ebenci) (14.12.2013 23:40)
Rukami dopredu, dement. Tu helmu nosi asi kazdy den.

World Record Attempt at Fastest Time to Jump Through 10 Panes of Gl (Peter) (14.12.2013 22:38)
Otočili mu to sklo tvrdým dnu.

World Record Attempt at Fastest Time to Jump Through 10 Panes of Gl (qwef) (14.12.2013 18:08)
sklo bolo otocene naopak